Cov khoom
Thermochromic PLA 3D tshuab luam ntawv Filament
TronHoo's Thermochromic PLA excels nyob rau hauv zoo fluidity los xyuas kom meej du thiab ruaj khov filament tso zis thiab ces tshem tawm qhov muaj peev xwm ntawm uneven extruded xaim uas yuav ua rau nozzle jams thiab tsis txaus siab luam tawm nyhuv.Cov ntaub ntawv tshiab no kuj qhia tau hais tias muaj zog heev uas cov khoom luam tawm 3D muaj kev cuam tshuam ntau dua li cov uas ua los ntawm PLA filament.Tsis tas li ntawd, tsuas yog 0.02mm txoj kab uas hla ntawm txoj kab uas hla ntawm cov xaim xaim xaim xaim qhov kawg rau cov haujlwm uas xav tau cov ntsiab lus luam ntawv kawg.Nrog rau ntau yam xim muaj, qhov no ib puag ncig tus phooj ywg tsis muaj tshuaj lom cov zaub mov-qib PLA muab cov xim ci tsis muaj npuas thiab warping, ua rau nws tus kheej muaj kev xaiv tshiab rau 3D luam ntawv.
PLA Luminous 3D tshuab luam ntawv Filament
1. [Glow nyob rau hauv qhov tsaus ntuj]: muaj phosphorescent cov ntaub ntawv uas glows nyob rau hauv qhov tsaus ntuj tom qab absorbing lub teeb lub zog.
2. [Nqus Sealed Package]: TronHoo 3D Printing filament yog ua tib zoo nqus ntim nrog desiccant kom tsis txhob muaj cov dej noo tsawg.Lub pob ua kom nws qhuav thiab khaws cov plua plav thiab cov khoom txawv teb chaws, tiv thaiv nozzle jams.
3. [High Precision +/- 0.03mm Tolerance]: Tag nrho 1KG 3d tshuab luam ntawv filament reel, zoo meej roundness thiab nruj txoj kab uas hla kam rau ua kwv yees li 330m ntawm filament ntawm txhua spool yooj yim siv, tsawg warping, tsw, clogging, thiab npuas.
4. [Tangle Free & Tsis Plugging]: Nws muaj qhov sib npaug ntawm txoj kab uas hla & roundness, tsawg stringing thiab warping, muaj zog txheej adhesion.Tsab ntawv-dawb thiab impurity-dawb TronHoo 3D tshuab luam ntawv filament ua raws li Txoj Cai Lij Choj Cov Tshuaj Tiv Thaiv Kab Mob (RoHS) cov lus qhia thiab tsis pub muaj cov khoom muaj phom sij.
4. [Money-back Warranty]: TronHoo muab nyiaj rov qab lav.Yog tias koj tsis txaus siab rau qhov zoo, tiv tauj peb hauv lub sijhawm.
BestGee T300S Pro Desktop 3D tshuab luam ntawv
TronHoo BestGee T300S Pro yog lub tshuab luam ntawv zoo FDM / FFF 3D rau cov neeg siv khoom.Nws yog lub tshuab luam ntawv 3D uas siv tau los pab cov neeg tsim khoom tsim thiab luam tawm hauv txoj kev ntse dua, yooj yim dua thiab yooj yim dua.T300S Pro txais cov qauv hlau-thav duab rau kev lag luam kev ntseeg siab thiab teeb tsa yooj yim.Nws stands nrog ntau yam yam ntxwv raws li 4.3 '' xim kov npo, ceev kub-up luam ntawv txaj, pib theem, raug thiab ruaj khov filament extrusion, loj tsim ntim, filament run-out nrhiav thiab hassle-dawb resume los ntawm hluav taws xob tua.Txaus siab rau kev lom zem thiab cov txiaj ntsig ntawm 3D tshuab luam ntawv nrog TronHoo BestGee T300S Pro FDM / FFF 3D tshuab luam ntawv.
√ Ceev kub-up Printing txaj
√ Auto Leveling rau cov neeg siv kev paub zoo dua
√ TMC2208 Lub Cev Tsav Tsav Tsheb rau Kev Ua Haujlwm Zoo
√ Optoelectrical Limit Switch rau qhov tseeb
√ Loj Tsim Volume (300 * 300 * 400mm)
√ Muaj tseeb thiab ruaj khov Filament Extrusion
√ Filament Run-out Detection
√ Hassle-dawb fais fab tuag rov pib dua
√ Hlau Ncej Modular Structure rau kev teeb tsa yooj yim
√ 4.3 '' Xim Kov Screen
√ Luam Ntawv Teeb pom kev zoo rau kev soj ntsuam kaw
√ Qhov taw qhia ntau xim kom pom cov xwm txheej sib txawv
√ Ib qho yooj yim luam tawm tshem tawm
LaserCube LC400 Desktop Laser Engraving Tshuab
Lub LaserCube LC400 series, suav nrog peb tus qauv, LC400, LC400S, LC400 Pro, yog Tronhoo nyuam qhuav tso tawm cov neeg siv khoom laser engraving tshuab nrog thaj tsam 400x400mm.Tag nrho peb cov qauv txais cov qauv laser qhov siab hloov kho kom yooj yim qhov siab tswj.
Lub laser taub hau ntawm no series nruab nrog laser shielding lub tes tsho los tiv thaiv creators ob lub qhov muag tiv thaiv kev raug mob.Lub series muab cov khoom zoo ruaj khov-focus laser rau kev txaus siab engraving raug.Ntau yam engraving thiab txiav cov ntaub ntawv raug txhawb rau unlimited creation possibilities.Raws li rau cov qauv hlau modular tsim, cov neeg tsim khoom tuaj yeem teeb tsa lub tshuab tau yooj yim.
√ Tsim Kev Tiv Thaiv Qhov Muag Tshiab
√ 400x400mm Engraving Area
√ Cim Laser Qhov Siab Kho Cov Qauv
√ Kev Tiv Thaiv Kev Txawj Ntse
√ Upgraded High Quality Fixed-Focus Laser
√ Ntau yam khoom siv kos duab
√ Yooj yim los ua ke
BestGee T220S Pro Desktop 3D tshuab luam ntawv
TronHoo BestGee T220S Pro yog lub desktop FDM / FFF 3D tshuab luam ntawv nrog ci ntsa iab luam ntawv zoo rau cov neeg siv khoom.Nws yog hlau-thav duab modular qauv 3D tshuab luam ntawv uas yuav tsum tau yooj yim teeb tsa.Nws excels nrog ceev ceev kub-up luam ntawv txaj, pib theem, raug thiab ruaj khov filament extrusion, loj tsim ntim, filament run-out nrhiav thiab hassle-dawb resume los ntawm hluav taws xob tua.3.5 '' xim kov npo muab kev ua haujlwm yooj yim rau cov neeg tsim khoom.TronHoo desktop T220S Pro 3D tshuab luam ntawv dawb tsim cov peev txheej tsim thiab tsim nrog kev tsim kho tshiab.
√ Ceev ceev cua sov txaj
√ Auto Leveling rau cov neeg siv kev paub zoo dua
√ TMC2208 Lub Cev Tsav Tsav Tsheb rau Kev Ua Haujlwm Zoo
√ Optoelectrical Limit Switch rau qhov tseeb
√ Loj tsim ntim (220 * 220 * 250mm)
√ Muaj tseeb thiab ruaj khov Filament Extrusion
√ Filament Run-out Detection
√ Hassle-dawb fais fab tuag rov pib dua
√ Hlau Ncej Modular Structure rau kev teeb tsa yooj yim
√ 3.5 '' Xim Kov Screen
√ Ib qho yooj yim luam tawm tshem tawm
BestGee T220S Desktop 3D tshuab luam ntawv
TronHoo BestGee T220S yog lub desktop FDM / FFF 3D tshuab luam ntawv uas tso cai rau cov neeg siv kom muaj tswv yim ntau dua.Nws yog cov neeg siv khoom qib 3D tshuab luam ntawv nrog kev luam ntawv zoo thiab raug.
Tus cwj pwm nrog kev teeb tsa yooj yim, ceev ceev kub-up luam ntawv txaj, hlau-thav duab rau kev lag luam txhim khu kev qha, raug thiab ruaj khov filament extrusion, loj tsim ntim, filament run-out detection thiab hassle-free resume los ntawm hluav taws xob hluav taws xob, T220S 3D tshuab luam ntawv muab creators saj zawg zog txoj hauv kev los tsim thiab tshawb nrhiav qhov ua tau thiab kev lom zem ntawm 3D luam ntawv.
√ Ceev ceev cua sov txaj
√ Loj tsim ntim (220 * 220 * 250mm)
√ Muaj tseeb thiab ruaj khov Filament Extrusion
√ Filament Run-out Detection
√ Hassle-dawb fais fab tuag rov pib dua
√ Hlau Ncej Modular Structure rau kev teeb tsa yooj yim
√ 3.5 '' Xim Kov Screen
√ Ib qho yooj yim luam tawm tshem tawm
LaserCube LC100 Portable Laser Engraving Tshuab
Tronhoo LaserCube LC100 yog cov neeg siv khoom siv laser engraving tshuab.Qhov no foldable mini qauv ntawm Tronhoo laser engraving series txhawb Bluetooth kev twb kev txuas & App lag luam rau yooj yim luam ntawv teeb thiab wireless kev twb kev txuas.Nws txhawb ntau yam ntaub ntawv engraving li ntoo, ntawv, xyoob, yas, ntaub, txiv hmab txiv ntoo, xav thiab lwm yam nrog 405nm siab zaus laser nrog high precision thiab efficiency rau unlimited muaj tswv yim possibilities.Nws pib kaw nyob rau hauv me ntsis kev co ntawm lub engraver kom ntseeg tau kev ua tau zoo.Nws txais yuav foldable compact qauv thiab txhawb qhov siab saj zawg zog thiab kev taw qhia kev hloov rau ceev pib npaj.
√ Kev sib txuas Bluetooth
√ Kev teeb tsa thiab ua haujlwm
√ Foldable Compact Design
√ Kaw nyob rau hauv me ntsis vibration
√ Ntau yam engraving khoom txhawb nqa
√ Lo lus zais xauv
√ Zoo Laser
BestGee T220S Lite Desktop 3D tshuab luam ntawv
TronHoo BestGee T220S Lite yog lub desktop FDM / FFF 3D tshuab luam ntawv uas tso cai rau cov neeg siv kom muaj tswv yim ntau dua.Nws yog cov neeg siv khoom qib 3D tshuab luam ntawv nrog kev luam ntawv zoo thiab raug.
Tus cwj pwm nrog kev teeb tsa yooj yim, ceev ceev kub-up luam ntawv txaj, hlau-thav duab rau kev lag luam txhim khu kev qha, raug thiab ruaj khov filament extrusion, loj tsim ntim, filament run-out detection thiab hassle-free resume los ntawm hluav taws xob tua, T220S Lite 3D tshuab luam ntawv muaj creators hloov pauv txoj hauv kev los tsim thiab tshawb nrhiav qhov ua tau thiab kev lom zem ntawm 3D luam ntawv.
√ Ceev ceev cua sov txaj
√ Loj tsim ntim (220 * 220 * 250mm)
√ Muaj tseeb thiab ruaj khov Filament Extrusion
√ Filament Run-out Detection
√ Hassle-dawb fais fab tuag rov pib dua
√ Hlau Ncej Modular Structure rau kev teeb tsa yooj yim
√ 3.5 '' Xim Kov Screen
√ Ib qho yooj yim luam tawm tshem tawm
KinGee KG408 Professional Desktop Resin 3D tshuab luam ntawv
TronHoo KinGee KG408 yog Professional Desktop resin 3D tshuab luam ntawv.Lub tshuab luam ntawv LCD no, txais yuav Vat Photopolymerization thev naus laus zis, tau nruab nrog 8.9 "4K Mono LCD rau lub neej ua haujlwm ntev dua thiab ua haujlwm zoo dua.Lub teeb ci ntawm lub tshuab luam ntawv no siv 4th tiam thaum uas tig mus LED array ua kom lub kaum sab xis me dua, qhov tseeb zoo dua rau cov txiaj ntsig zoo.Nws txhawb nqa txog li 8 zaug los tiv thaiv aliasing thiab 0.025-0.1mm Txheej thickness nrog tsawg kev ntxhib los mos rau smoother nto.Muaj nrog lub cev muaj zog tsav ntsiag to, kev ua haujlwm yooj yim nrog lub vijtsam kov, tsis tas yuav tsum tau theem, dual-axis rail qauv tsim nrog kev ntseeg tau, thiab 3 lub sij hawm luam ntawv nrawm dua, TronHoo KinGee KG408 resin 3D tshuab luam ntawv yog qhov kev xaiv zoo rau artwork designers, xib fwb, thiab freelance creators thiab lwm yam nrog nce productivity thiab repeatable raug.
√ 8.9 nti 4K Mono LCD
√ Tag nrho cov yeeb yuj kov npo
√ 4 tiam thaum uas tig mus array
√ 8 lub sij hawm tiv thaiv aliasing
√ 3 zaug luam ntawv ceev ceev
√ Yooj yim rau siv, tsis tas yuav tsum muaj qib
√ Dual-axis rails qauv
√ 0.025-0.1 hli txheej thickness
√ ntsiag to tsav lub cev muaj zog
KinGee KG406 Professional Desktop Resin 3D tshuab luam ntawv
TronHoo KinGee KG406 yog Professional Desktop resin 3D tshuab luam ntawv.Lub tshuab luam ntawv LCD no, uas tau txais Vat Photopolymerization thev naus laus zis, tau nruab nrog 6 "2K Mono LCD rau kev ua haujlwm ntev dua thiab ua haujlwm zoo dua.Lub teeb ci ntawm lub tshuab luam ntawv no siv 4th tiam thaum uas tig mus LED array ua kom lub kaum sab xis me dua, qhov tseeb zoo dua rau cov txiaj ntsig zoo.Nws txhawb nqa txog li 8 zaug los tiv thaiv aliasing thiab 0.025-0.1mm Txheej thickness nrog tsawg kev ntxhib los mos rau smoother nto.Muaj nrog lub cev muaj zog tsav ntsiag to, kev ua haujlwm yooj yim nrog lub vijtsam kov, tsis tas yuav tsum muaj kev sib tw, dual-axis rail qauv tsim nrog kev ntseeg tau, thiab 3 lub sij hawm luam ntawv nrawm dua, TronHoo KinGee KG406 resin 3D tshuab luam ntawv yog qhov kev xaiv zoo rau artwork designers, xib fwb, thiab freelance creators thiab lwm yam nrog nce productivity thiab repeatable raug.
√ 6 nti Mono LCD
√ 4 tiam thaum uas tig mus array
√ 8 lub sij hawm tiv thaiv aliasing
√ 3 zaug luam ntawv ceev ceev
√ Yooj yim rau siv, tsis tas yuav tsum muaj qib
√ Dual linear rails
√ 0.025-0.1 hli txheej thickness
√ 2K mono LCD
√ ntsiag to tsav lub cev muaj zog -
PLA 3D tshuab luam ntawv Filament
1. [Premium PLA Filament] TronHoo PLA 3D filament siv high purity raw cov ntaub ntawv uas muaj tsawg shrinkage thiab zoo txheej bonding nta, ua tau raws li koj xav tau rau txawv printing tej yaam num nrog ntau dua toughness.Nws yog 100% ua los ntawm ib puag ncig-phooj ywg cov ntaub ntawv ntuj.Nws yog biodegradable, non-toxic thiab environmentally friendly.
2. [Clog-free & Bubble-Free] Ua kom qhuav rau 24 teev ua ntej ntim thiab lub tshuab nqus tsev kaw nrog cov desiccants, ua kom zoo dua thiab ruaj khov luam ntawv ntau dua.Txij li thaum PLA filament yog nquag ya raws, thov khaws cia rau hauv qhov chaw qhuav thiab txias kom matiain luam ntawv zoo heev.
3. [Less-tangle & Wide Compatibility] Tag nrho cov tshuab winding thiab nruj kev soj ntsuam xyuas, uas lav lub PLA filaments huv si thiab yooj yim rau noj.Ua haujlwm zoo nrog feem ntau FDM 3D tshuab luam ntawv ntawm lub khw.
4. [Dimensional Accuracy & Consistency] Advanced CCD txoj kab uas hla ntsuas thiab tus kheej-adaptive tswj system nyob rau hauv lub manufacturing kom nruj tolerances.Txoj kab uas hla 1.75mm, qhov tseeb qhov tseeb + / - 0.02 hli tsis muaj exaggeration;1 kg spool (2.2 lbs).
5. [Multi-Siv] Ua ntau tshaj li cov qauv nrog 3D luam ntawv!Tsim thiab ua kom muaj sia nyob koj cov khoom tsim thiab lwm yam khoom siv rau kev siv txhua hnub xws li cov xov tooj kev cai, hnab nyiaj, ntsev shakers, sculptures, tswm ciab tuav, aub cim npe thiab ntau yam ntxiv. -
ABS 3D tshuab luam ntawv Filament
1. [tseem tsw tsw, Tsawg Warping] TronHoo ABS filament yog tsim los nrog ib tug tshwj xeeb bulk-polymerized ABS resin, uas muaj ho txo volatile ntsiab lus piv rau cov tsoos ABS resins.ABS yog 3D luam tawm ntawm 220°C rau 250°C, nws raug nquahu kom siv lub txaj rhuab los yog ib qho chaw kaw kom tswj tau qhov txias ntawm cov khoom no thiab tiv thaiv warping.
2. [Smooth & Stable Printing]: TronHoo 3D cog lus tsis muaj tangles, tsis muaj npuas thiab tsis muaj clogs.Nws qhov kev ua tau zoo yog ruaj khov nrog du extrusion thiab zoo heev adhesion, tsis muaj stringing thiab warping teeb meem nyob rau hauv qhov chaw zoo.
3. [High Resistant] ABS yog ib qho kev cuam tshuam-resistant, kub-resistant filament uas ua rau muaj zog, zoo nkauj tsim.Ib qho kev nyiam rau kev ua haujlwm prototyping, ABS prints yog qhov zoo uas tsis tas yuav polish.
4. [Dimensional Accuracy & Consistency] Qhov no 1.75mm txoj kab uas hla ABS filament tau ua nrog cov qauv tsim nruj heev.Yuav tsis muaj teeb meem ntawm kev luam ntawv cuam tshuam los ntawm knotting ntawm lub filament.
5. [Nqus Ntim] Ua kom tiav ziab rau 24 teev ua ntej ntim.Peb siv lub tshuab nqus tsev ntim cov hnab ntim rau ntim 3d tshuab luam ntawv filament kom cov av noo feem pua ntawm qhov tsawg kawg nkaus thiab tswj tau.Kom tsis txhob nozzles clogging thiab bubbling.